Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Perfect Active Indicative 3rd -io Conjugation iēcī
Homeric Greek Lesson XVI Third Declension θύγατερ
Classical Latin
Verb Future Active Indicative 4th Conjugation audiam
Mounce Future Middle-Passive Indicative πορεύσομαι
Mounce First Future Passive Indicative λυθήσομαι
Mounce Present Active Participle of εἰμί
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Subjunctive 4th Conjugation audīrem
Homeric Greek Lesson VIII Relative Pronoun ὅς
This is the Latin 1 test for 1981. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 35 questions
1. Swarms of honey bees used to fly through this clover meadow.
A. volare
B. volaverunt
C. volabant
D. volant
2. The senator is kept well-informed of world affairs by his friends.
A. de amicis
B. amicis
C. cum amicis
D. ab amicis
3. The farmer marked the boundaries of his fields with rows of pine trees.
A. agrorum
B. agros
C. agris
D. agri
4. Aeneas in silvam very dense ambulavit.
A. densissimam
B. densam
C. densiorem
D. densius
5. The natives had known for years that there was treasure hidden in the valley.
A. sciunt
B. sciebant
C. sciverunt
D. sciverant
6. There are five declensions of Latin nouns
A. quindecim
B. quinque
C. quattuor
D. quoque
7. Spectare ludos in amphitheatro to be able cupio.
A. potero
B. posse
C. possum
D. potui
8. Neptune is the Roman god whose symbol is the trident.
A. qui
B. quem
C. quo
D. cuius
9. Audite, _____ mea verba cum cura!
A. Romanos
B. Romani
C. Romane
D. Romanis
10. Carrus per vias a servis _____ .
A. trahitur
B. trahuntur
C. trahere
D. trahimur
11. A MAN puerumque in villa vidimus.
A. vir
B. viros
C. virorum
D. virum
12. A magnificent rainbow trailed an arc of color across the sky
A. ex caelo
B. trans caelum
C. prope caelum
D. propter caelum
13. You won'T LEAVE before dark, WILL YOU?
A. Num excedetis
B. Nonne excedetis
C. Cur excedetis
D. Excedestisne
14. Noster amicus est _____ librorum.
A. scriptorum
B. scriptorem
C. scriptor
D. scriptores
15. Discipulos linguam Latinam legere he will teach.
A. docet
B. docuit
C. docebit
D. docebat
16. We will make every effort to protect you from danger.
A. nos
B. vos
C. illos
D. hos
17. Noctu stellae brightly lucent
A. clarissime
B. clare
C. clariora
D. clairus
18. Have you read the laws of the Twelve Tables?
A. leges
B. legibus
C. legum
D. legem
19. _____ , Cornelia, nomen tuum in libro!
A. inscribitis
B. inscribe
C. inscribere
D. inscribite
20. Consilium bonum _____ semper damus.
A. noster socius
B. nostrum socium
C. nostros socios
D. nostris sociis
21. The Esquiline, Aventine, Viminal, and Capitoline are all _____ of Rome.
A. emperors
B. temples
C. roads
D. hills
22. Sine qua non means:
A. something indispensable
B. without delay
C. lacking a quorum
D. without legal right
23. A Roman would enjoy his prandium at:
A. lunch time
B. the baths
C. dawn
D. the temple
24. Amor omnia vincit means:
A. I love being invincible
B. Victory is love
C. Everyone loves the victor
D. Love conquers all
25. In classical times the toga was a garment worn by:
A. male Roman citizens only
B. senators only
C. men and women of the upper class
D. Roman men of all classes
26. A SYLVAN scene always includes:
A. farmlands
B. brooks
C. woods
D. mountains
27. Who was the seventh and last king of Rome?
A. Tarquinius Superbus
B. Appius Claudius
C. Coriolanus
D. Romulus
28. The word permanent is a derivative of the Latin verb:
A. moneo
B. mando
C. maneo
D. mitto
29. Many different types of gladiatorial games were staged in the:
A. Thermae
B. Curia
C. Cloaca Maxima
D. Colosseum
30. The lame blacksmith who forged invincible weapons for Olympians and heroes was:
A. Hercules
B. Vulcan
C. Aetna
D. Orpheus
31. Charon, Cerberus, and Pluto are mythological characters connected with:
A. the founding of Rome
B. the voyage of Jason
C. the oceans
D. the underworld
32. The hero who slew the Medusa and saved Andromeda from a sea-monster was:
A. Jason
B. Perseus
C. Bellerophon
D. Hercules
33. In a Roman villa the dining room was the
A. triclinium
B. tablinum
C. peristylium
D. atrium
34. The chief magistrates of the Roman Republic were two consuls who held office for:
A. one year
B. two years
C. ten years
D. life
35. On March 15, 44 B.C., the newspaper headlines in Rome might have read:
A. Julius Caesar Declared Dictator
B. Julius Caesar Assassinated
C. Julius Caesar Invades Gaul
D. Julius Caesar Joins Triumvirate