Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Homeric Greek Lesson XVII Aorist Middle/Passive ἐλυσάμην
Classical Latin
Homeric Greek Lesson XV Third Declension ἀνήρ I
Mounce Imperfect Active Indicative ἒλυον
Classical Latin
Homeric Greek Lesson XVI Present Middle/Passive λυόμαι
Homeric Greek Lesson VIII Relative Pronoun ὅς
This is the Latin 1 test for 1980. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 35 questions
1. The soccer team was on the field.
A. in campo
B. per campum
C. in campum
D. a campo
2. My friends can walk to my house.
A. ambulare
B. ambulate
C. ambulaverunt
D. ambulant
3. The tallest women often play basketball.
A. altiores
B. altissimae
C. altae
D. altissimas
4. Send me more money, Dad.
A. mittere
B. mitte
C. mittis
D. mittite
5. The soldiers were fighting bravely.
A. pugnaverunt
B. pugnant
C. pugnabant
D. pugnabunt
6. Pompeian children used to write with a stylus.
A. stilo
B. stili
C. cum stilo
D. stilum
7. We are good students.
A. discipulis
B. discipulus
C. discipuli
D. discipulos
8. I ALWAYS do my homework.
A. semper
B. saepe
C. quoque
D. interdum
9. My son, I trust you.
A. filius
B. fili
C. filio
D. filium
10. "Show me the way to the underworld," said Aeneas to the Sybil.
A. meum
B. mihi
C. ego
D. mei
11. Ianua templi est open.
A. apertus
B. apertis
C. aperta
D. apertam
12. Donum, which deis dedimus, in ara erat.
A. quas
B. quae
C. quod
D. qui
13. Deae a populo laudabuntur.
A. are being praised
B. were being praised
C. will be praised
D. will praise
14. Ceres Proserpinam, her daughter, per orbem terrarum petivit.
A. filia
B. filiam
C. filiae
D. filium
15. "why lente curris?" rogavit Atalanta.
A. Ubi
B. Ibi
C. Quis
D. Cur
16. The horses' bridles were decorated with silver and gold.
A. equos
B. equorum
C. equo
D. equi
17. Tres plus quinque fiunt:
18. Both Lucius AND Titus nobiscum veniunt.
A. Et…et
B. Neque…neque
C. Vel…vel
D. Aut…aut
19. The sacred geese saved the city in 392 B.C.
A. urbe
B. urbem
C. urbes
D. urbi
20. Vidimus Forum Romanum
A. We see
B. We shall see
C. We used to see
D. We saw
21. E PLURIBUS UNUM means:
A. many are here
B. much in little
C. all for one
D. one out of many
22. A Roman dinner was called:
A. secunda mensa
B. ientaculum
C. cena
D. palaesatra
23. The two-faced Roman god of beginnings and doorways was:
A. Mars
B. Bacchus
C. Janus
D. Cupid
24. A president pro tem holds office:
A. for one term
B. for two terms
C. temporarily
D. until he dies
25. All of the following are derived from audio except:
A. audible
B. audition
C. audacity
D. auditorium
26. The Kalends of a Roman month was:
A. the seventh day
B. the fifteenth day
C. the last day
D. the first day
27. The Roman senate house was called the:
A. Curia
B. Pantheon
C. Acropolis
D. Thermae
28. Sailing west from Rome one would encounter the country:
A. Spain
B. Greece
C. Eqypt
D. Libya
29. According to mythology, the winter and summer seasons are a result of the story of:
A. Daedalus and Icarus
B. Orpheus and Eurydice
C. Cupid and Psyche
D. Ceres and Proserpina
30. Mare nostrum was the Roman name for the:
A. Tiber River
B. Mediterranean Sea
C. Aegean Sea
D. Atlantic Ocean
31. The winged horse produced from the blood of Medusa and tamed by Bellerophon:
A. Circe
B. Pegasus
C. Chimaera
D. Cerberus
32. The Roman monarchy lasted from 753 B.C. - 510 B.C. The year 509 B.C. was the beginning of the Roman:
A. Republic
B. anarchy
C. Empire
D. dictatorship
33. The small shops along the streets of Rome were called:
A. insulae
B. tabernae
C. aedificia
D. templa
34. Quis erat dea amoris?
A. Venus
B. Minerva
C. Vesta
D. Diana
35. An agrarian law would most likely affect:
A. miners
B. hunters
C. sailors
D. farmers