Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Homeric Greek Lesson V Present Active Indicative λύω
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 3rd -io Conjugation iaciēbam
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 2nd Conjugation habēbam
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Irregular eō present active I go
Homeric Greek Lesson XIII Third Declension ἒπος
Classical Latin
Mounce Second Aorist Passive Indicative ἐγράφην
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
This is the Latin 1 test for 1979. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 35 questions
1. Romulus was rome'S first king.
A. Romae
B. Roma
C. Romam
D. Romanorum
2. Did you see "Spartacus" on the late show, Anna?
A. videtisne
B. videsne
C. vidistine
D. vidistisne
3. I can tell you the story of Hercules' labors.
A. narro
B. narrare
C. narra
D. narrabo
4. Please give the teacher you examination.
A. magistrum
B. magister
C. magistro
D. magistri
5. Discipuli ________ montem spectabant.
A. illa
B. illos
C. illo
D. illum
6. You are going to the Dolly Parton concert, aren'T YOU?
A. non
B. nonne
C. num
D. -ne
7. Bring me my toga, marcus.
A. Marcus
B. Marci
C. Marce
D. Marcum
8. Poeta with his brother manet.
A. fratre
B. cum fratre
C. fratrem
D. a fratre
9. In the picture we saw Minerva and Diana, Roman goddesses.
A. deae
B. deas
C. deabus
D. dearum
10. Cincinnatus erat famous agricola.
A. clarus
B. clara
C. clarae
D. claro
11. Work bene, discipuli et discipulae
A. laboratis
B. laboras
C. labora
D. laborate
12. Graeci circum walls Troiae pugnabant.
A. muros
B. murum
C. muro
D. muris
13. "Ego you amo," dixit Echo.
A. nos
B. tibi
C. tu
D. te
14. Pueri sunt friends.
A. amicos
B. amici
C. amicis
D. amicorum
15. Orpheus used to sing beautiful songs.
A. cantat
B. cantabat
C. cantabit
D. cantaverat
16. Omnia labore superare possumus.
A. we could
B. we can
C. we will be able
D. we have been able
17. Rex ad Graecos auxilium mittet.
A. sent
B. is sending
C. will send
D. has sent
18. Pulchrae picturae erant gratae to the romans.
A. Romanis
B. Romanorum
C. ad Romanos
D. Romani
19. Romani fidissimi semper erant.
A. faithful
B. more faithfully
C. faithfully
D. very faithful
20. Pandora, who erat curiosa, arcam aperuit.
A. quae
B. quod
C. qui
D. quam
21. A lecture on horticulture would most likely be attended by:
A. gymnasts
B. stamp collectors
C. sports fans
D. gardeners
22. The six Vestal Virgins were priestesses of the goddess of the:
A. hunt
B. hearth
C. harvest
D. moon
23. The river on which Rome is located is the:
A. Po
B. Rubicon
C. Styx
D. Tiber
24. The Latin phrase ad infinitum means:
A. literally
B. temporarily
C. endlessly
D. conversely
25. The war in which Aeneas and Ulysses fought was the:
A. Punic
B. Trojan
C. Civil
D. Persian
26. An English derivative of the Latin verb petere is:
A. petty
B. petite
C. petition
D. pet
27. Under Augustus Rome became:
A. a republic
B. a monarchy
C. an empire
D. a democracy
28. The Queen of hades and wife of Pluto was:
A. Juno
B. Ceres
C. Proserpina
D. Minerva
29. Rigoletto suffered because of the malediction of Monterone.
A. mistake
B. crime
C. curse
D. death
30. "In the year of Our Lord" is represented by the Latin abbreviation:
A. A.M.
B. A.D.
C. A.B.
D. B.C.
31. In mythology, fire was brought to mankind from Olympus by:
A. Pyrrhus
B. Perseus
C. Prometheus
D. Phrixus
32. The public baths in Rome were known as:
A. Thermae
B. Basilicae
C. Aquae
D. Forum
33. The hero Theseus slew the:
A. Minotaur
B. Nemean Lion
C. Python
D. Centaur
34. A mythological creature, half-horse and half-man, was a:
A. Hydra
B. Centaur
C. Harpy
D. Gorgon
35. The garden area of a Roman villa was the:
A. culina
B. compluvium
C. insulae
D. peristylium