Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Present Active Indicative 4th Conjugation audiō
Mounce First Aorist Passive Indicative ἐλύθην
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 3rd -io Conjugation capiēbam
Classical Latin
Oxford Latin Course Book 2 Chapter 17
This is the Latin 1 test for 1978. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 35 questions
1. Marcus erat bonus man.
A. virum
B. vir
C. viri
D. viros
2. Hoc donum est pulchrum.
A. that
B. the same
C. this
D. itself
3. Puer librum woman dedit.
A. feminis
B. feminae
C. feminam
D. femina
4. Dux erat famous.
A. notum
B. nota
C. notus
D. notam
5. Amici erunt.
A. wander
B. are
C. were
D. will be
6. Erat benignus to the gods.
A. deos
B. dei
C. deis
D. deorum
7. Nautae trans river navigaverunt.
A. flumen
B. fluminum
C. flumina
D. flumine
8. Verba beautiful audire amamus.
A. pulchros
B. pulcher
C. pulchras
D. pulchra
9. Pueri nos vocant.
A. me
B. you
C. him
D. us
10. With swords pugnabant.
A. cum gladiis
B. gladio
C. gladiis
D. gladius
11. Oppidum vastatum est.
A. will be destroyed
B. is being destroyed
C. has been destroyed
D. had been destroyed
12. Dicite, viri, nobis fabulam.
A. you told
B. you will tell
C. I tell
D. tell
13. The sons of citizens wore togas.
A. cives
B. civis
C. civem
D. civium
14. Romulus, where is your brother?
A. Romule
B. Romulus
C. Romuli
D. Romulo
15. They want to hear the Fleetwood Mac concert.
A. audire
B. audiunt
C. audite
D. audio
16. Daedalus and Icarus could fly.
A. potest
B. poterunt
C. possunt
D. potuerunt
17. We have many friends.
A. habebimus
B. habemus
C. habebamus
D. habuimus
18. The sailors will send a letter.
A. mittent
B. mittunt
C. miserunt
D. mittit
19. They saw many temples.
A. templum
B. templis
C. templorum
D. templa
20. We shall go out of the garden.
A. hortum
B. ex horto
C. cum horto
D. horti
21. The abbreviation which warns a person to note something carefully is:
A. e.g.
B. i.e.
C. N.B.
D. A.D.
22. In the Roman house, the pool which caught rainwater was the:
A. atrium
B. peristylium
C. impluvium
D. culina
23. A Roman would most likely see a chariot race at the:
A. Curia
B. Forum
C. Campus Martius
D. Circus Maximus
24. If you were short of money, you would be:
A. impecunious
B. impeccable
C. ubiquitous
D. pulchritudinous
25. A derivative of moneo is:
A. money
B. demonstrate
C. premonition
D. month
26. A Roman boy was most often accompanied to school by a:
A. senator
B. paedagogus
C. lictor
D. magister
27. The Aegean Sea was named for the father of:
A. Hercules
B. Jason
C. Aeneas
D. Theseus
28. The caduceus is the symbol of:
A. Jupiter
B. Mars
C. Mercury
D. Diana
29. In his quest for the Golden Fleece, Jason was aided by:
A. Ariadne
B. Circe
C. Medea
D. Medusa
30. In the naming of the city of Athens, Athena contended with:
A. Neptune
B. Apollo
C. Pluto
D. Vulcan
31. The Nemean Lion was slain by:
A. Bellerophon
B. Theseus
C. Hercules
D. Perseus
32. The "Regina Viarum" was the Via:
A. Appia
B. Sacra
C. Latina
D. Aurelia
33. The traditional mythological date for the founding of Rome was:
A. 1188 B.C.
B. 79 A.D.
C. 753 B.C.
D. 476 A.D.
34. The father of Romulus was:
A. Mars
B. Vulcan
C. Pluto
D. Jupiter
35. One of Rome's first consuls was:
A. Brutus
B. Augustus
C. Romulus
D. Pompey