Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Homeric Greek Lesson XIII Third Declension πόλις
Homeric Greek Lesson XVII Imperfect Middle/Passive ἐλυόμην
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Future Active Indicative 2nd Conjugation monēbō
Classical Latin
Mounce Imperfect Active Indicative, to be, ἤμην
Classical Latin
Verb Present Active Indicative 1st Conjugation parō
This is the Intro test for 2010. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 30 questions
1. Quis est deus in pictura?
A. Pluto
B. Mars
C. Apollo
D. Bacchus

2. Filial devotion describes the devotion of
A. a husband for his wife
B. a teacher for her students
C. a general for his country
D. a child for her parents
3. A POST MORTEM examination is held
A. behind a curtain
B. after death
C. secretly
D. before morning
4. an example of an amphitheater is the
A. Colosseum
B. Via Appia
C. Mare Nostrum
D. Forum
5. Who was the Roman goddess of wisdom who sprang fully-armored from Jupiter's forehead?
A. Diana
B. Venus
C. Vesta
D. Minerva
6. An auditory learner would learn best through
A. writing flashcards
B. building a model
C. listening to the teacher
D. reading outlines
7. The Latin abbreviation I.E. (id est) means
A. that is
B. and others
C. in the end
D. each year
8. What expression would a teacher use to dismiss a group of students?
A. Adsum
B. Sic semper tyrannis
C. Quid est nomen tibi
D. Valete omnes
9. Quot porci sunt in pictura?
A. tres
B. quattuor
C. duo
D. quinque

10. Roman artists and poets were inspired by a group of nine Muses.
B. V
D. X
11. Locate sicilia on the map.
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8

12. Locate graecia on the map
A. 1
B. 3
C. 5
D. 7

13. Marcus et Iulius sunt amici.
A. am
B. are
C. is
D. be
14. Duo amici in insula habitant.
A. The friends
B. Good friends
C. Many friends
D. The two friends
15. Aqua circum insulam est mala.
A. around
B. on
C. near
D. across
16. Est rivus in insula et aqua in rivo est ___.
A. bonam
B. bona (long a)
C. bona
D. bonae
17. ____ magnam silvam habet.
A. Insulam
B. Insula
C. Insulae
D. Insula (long a)
18. Marcus in casa prope silva habitat.
A. around a hut
B. into a hut
C. behind a hut
D. in a hut
19. Marcus in parvo horto semper laborat.
A. well
B. now
C. always
D. often
20. Nunc Marcus in rivo natare amat.
A. to swim
B. swim
C. is swimming
D. was swimming
21. Iulius hortum marci semper laudat.
A. Marcus
B. by Marcus
C. of Marcus
D. from Marcus
22. Olim Iulius post silvam habitabat.
A. was living
B. is living
C. am living
D. to live
23. Nunc Iulius in magna villa inter silva et rivum habitat.
A. near
B. behind
C. outside
D. between
24. Iulius in tablino sedet; multam pecuniam numerat.
A. I count
B. he counts
C. you count
D. they count
25. Duo amici ambulare in silva amant.
A. used to love
B. love
C. to love
D. loved
26. Hodie Marcus villam Iuli visitat.
A. Now
B. Always
C. Today
D. Once
27. "cur tu in villa tua manes?" Marcus rogat.
A. Why
B. When
C. Who
D. How many
28. Marcus nuntiat, "ego ad rivum alo."mb
A. You
B. We
C. They
D. I
29. "manesne quod amicos tuos exspectas?"
A. Are you staying
B. Stay
C. To stay
D. Were you staying
30. Iulius marco respondet, "Minime, tecum ambulo."
A. by Marcus
B. of Marcus
C. Marcus
D. to Marcus