Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Mounce Imperfect Active Indicative ἒλυον
Homeric Greek Lesson XIII Third Declension ἥρως
Classical Latin
Verb Perfect Active Indicative 1st Conjugation laudāvī
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 1st Conjugation parābam
This is the Intro test for 2009. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 30 questions
1. The primary purpose of a dormitory is
A. reading
B. swimming
C. sleeping
D. eating
2. The poet had a premonition of the disaster. A premonition is a
A. regret
B. laugh
C. question
D. forewarning
3. The peristylium in a Roman villa often contained
A. a desk, cupboardk, and chairs
B. columns, statues, and fountains
C. a grinding stone and oven
D. exercise equipment and a swimming pool
4. The father of a Roman household had his office in the
A. tablinum
B. vestibulu
C. culina
D. cubiculum
5. Which Roman god was lame and forged Jupiter's thunderbolts?
A. Neptune
B. Apollo
C. Mars
D. Vulcan
6. Quis est deus Romanus in pictura?
A. Apollo
B. Vulcan
C. Mercury
D. Mars

7. The Latin phrases cave canem and CAVEAT EMPTOR both express
A. joy
B. warnings
C. regret
D. greetings
8. The Latin expression festina lente means
A. make haste slowly
B. one from many
C. seize the opportunity
D. time flies
9. What would a Latin student say to express thanks?
A. valete omnes
B. tempus fugit
C. carpe diem
D. gratias ago
10. Quot equi sunt in pictura?
A. I
D. V

11. Mt. Vesuvius erupted and buried Pompeii and Herculaneum in A.D. lxxix
A. 39
B. 61
C. 79
D. 81
12. What route, according to the map, did Julius Caesar use when he traveled from Rome to Gaul?
A. 1 to 6
B. 2 to 4
C. 3 to 8
D. 5 to 7

13. Agricola in casa habitat.
A. is living
B. was living
C. to live
D. will live
14. Casa agricolae in silva est.
A. the farmer
B. of the farmer
C. by the farmer
D. from the farmer
15. Agricola equum et canem habet.
A. and
B. but
C. or
D. because
16. Equum agricola bene curat.
A. badly
B. happily
C. now
D. well
17. Agricola equo cibum parat.
A. for the horse
B. of the horse
C. by the horse
D. from the horse
18. Agricola ad equum ____ parat.
A. aqua
B. aquae
C. aquam
D. aquarum
19. Semper agricola et equus bene ____.
A. laboro
B. laboras
C. laborant
D. laborat
20. Equus agricolae per silvam ambulare amat.
A. is walking
B. was walking
C. will walk
D. to walk
21. Canis cum ____ in cubiculo dormit.
A. agricola
B. agricolam
C. agricolas
D. agricolae
22. ____ in casa non dormit sed in silva dormire amat.
A. Equus
B. Equo
C. Equorum
D. Equi
23. Quod parvus gladiator non pugnat, magnus gladiator est ____.
A. irati
B. irato
C. iratus
D. iratis
24. Magnus gladiator clamat, "para pugnare!"
A. I am preparing to fight
B. You will prepare to fight
C. Prepare to fight
D. He was preparing to fight
25. Magnus gladiator ad parvum gladiatorem ambulat.
A. toward the small gladiator
B. by the small gladiator
C. with the small gladiator
D. away from the small gladiator
26. ____ festinat a magno gladiatore et ad mediam arenam currit.
A. Parvum virum
B. Parvus vir
C. Parvo viro
D. Parvi viri
27. Parvus gladiator ____ media arena stat.
A. cum
B. per
C. e
D. in
28. Ubi spectatores laete clamant, magnus gladiator spectatores spectat.
A. Also
B. Then
C. When
D. Now
29. Parvus gladiator ante oculos magni viri stat.
A. the big man
B. by the big man
C. of the big man
D. from the big man
30. Parvus gladiator dicit, "Ego te non timebam."
A. I am not afraid
B. I will not be afraid
C. Do not be afraid
D. I was not afraid