Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Mounce Second Aorist Middle Indicative ἐγενόμην
Mastronarde-Pres Act Ind πέμπω
Classical Latin
Mounce First Aorist Middle Indicative ἐλυσάμην
Mounce Imperfect Active Indicative (contract) ἐποίουν
Classical Latin
This is the Intro test for 2005. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 30 questions
1. To circumscribe is to
A. sail around the world
B. cut circles in half
C. draw a line around something
D. walk in circles
2. A NARRATOR is someone who
A. believes negative things
B. tells a story
C. thinks only about himself
D. directs the course of a ship
3. The slave who accompanied Roman children to school was the
A. paedogogus
B. coquus
C. agricola
D. nauta
4. Which group of words identifies the objects in the picture?
A. stella, sol, luna
B. taberna, vinum caupona
C. cena, mensa, cibus
D. papyrus, stilus, tabella

5. Who was the Roman god who ruled the heavens and wielded the lightning bolt?
A. Jupiter
B. Neptune
C. Vulcan
D. Pluto
6. What is the name of this mythical beast, picture on the right, who carried Bellerophon?
A. Sphinx
B. Medusa
C. Cerberus
D. Pegasus

7. The phrase carpe diem means
A. during the day
B. another day
C. seize the day
D. for each day
8. The phrase ad nauseam neans
A. without reason
B. to a sickening degree
C. at your pleasure
D. to the stars
9. You would say vale when
A. opening a window
B. going to the board
C. asking permission
D. leaving the room
10. How many students are in this picture with their teacher?
A. quinque
B. tres
C. sex
D. octo

11. Locate graecia on the map.
A. 5
B. 7
C. 3
D. 8

12. Locate hispania on the map.
A. 7
B. 8
C. 6
D. 4

13. Marcus ad ludum ____
A. ambulant
B. ambulo
C. ambulat
D. ambulare
14. Servus cum puero ambulat.
A. by the boy
B. with the boy
C. to the boy
D. before the boy
15. Servus marco tabellam dat.
A. to Marcus
B. of Marcus
C. behind Marcus
D. around Marcus
16. Marcus ____ videt.
A. pugna
B. pugnae
C. pugnis
D. pugnam
17. Agricola et poeta in via pugnant.
A. will fight
B. to fight
C. were fighting
D. are fighting
18. _____ Marcum monet.
A. Servi
B. Servus
C. Servum
D. Servo
19. Servus dicit, "Festina! nos sumus tardi."
A. We are
B. They are
C. You are
D. He is
20. Marcus _____ servus ad ludum festinant.
A. sed
B. quod
C. et
D. ubi
21. Salve, magister, " Marcus dicit.
A. May I enter
B. I am here
C. Excuse me
D. Hello
22. "Marce, _____ es tardus," magister respondet.
A. Vos
B. Tu
C. Ego
D. Nos
23. Esne paratus recitare?" magister rogat.
A. Are you prepared?
B. Will you prepare?
C. Were you preparing?
D. Do you prepare?
24. 'minime,' Marcus responded et sedet.
A. Always
B. Yes
C. No
D. Maybe
25. "Cur tu non es paratus recitare?" magister rogat.
A. recites
B. were reciting
C. to recite
D. will recite
26. Marcus non respondet quod timet.
A. when
B. but
C. if
D. because
27. Magister est____.
A. irato
B. iratus
C. irati
D. iratum
28. "Quinte, recita! Specta, Marce!" magister clamat.
A. recite
B. will recite
C. are reciting
D. were reciting
29. Quintus stat et bene recitat.
A. well
B. publicly
C. happily
D. now
30. Magister Quintum laudat, "quinte, tu es discipulus bonus."
A. of Quintus
B. to Quintus
C. by Quintus
D. Quintus