Beta Review Master 1.1a by

NLE > Intro > 2001

This is the Intro test for 2001. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.

Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.

A total of 30 questions

1. Timeo periculum in silva.

A. We are afraid of

B. He is afraid of

C. They are afraid of

D. I am afraid of

2. Anna pulchram stolam feminae spectat.

A. woman

B. from the woman

C. of the woman

D. by the woman

3. Mihi nomen est means

A. I have a sister

B. My age is

C. I am fine

D. My name is

4. Quot columnas in pictura vides?

A. tres

B. quinque

C. sex

D. quattuor

5. Cornelia cum amico ambulabat.

A. with a friend

B. of a friend

C. to a friend

D. from a friend

6. Quis est dea belli et sapientiae?

A. What

B. Why

C. Where

D. Who

7. Magister discipulis dicit, "ambulate, discipuli, ad chartam geographicam."

A. You will walk

B. Walk

C. I am waling

D. They walked

8. What do you see in the picture on the right?

A. Nauta ad terram navigat.

B. Servus in atrio est

C. Gladiator in arena pugnat

D. Vir in agro laborat

9. Pueri erunt in schola.

A. are

B. were

C. was

D. will be

10. Spectabasne Ludos Olympicos in Australia?

A. Is Australia the place for the Olympic games?

B. Were you watching the Olympic games in Australia?

C. Does Australia have the Olympic games?

D. Are the Olympic games in Australia?

11. Servus tibi bonam cenam parat.

A. with you

B. by you

C. for you

D. from you

12. Venus ______ filium amabat.

A. parvos

B. parvum

C. parvo

D. parvis

13. Ego in agris laboro sed meus amicus in horto laborat.

A. when

B. and

C. or

D. but

14. Ante bellum eramus laeti.

A. around

B. into

C. before

D. to

15. Claudia et Quintia sunt ____.

A. bona amica

B. bonae amicae

C. bonis amicis

D. bonarum amicarum

16. Quid in pictura vides?

A. taurus

B. leo

C. serpens

D. pisces

17. Puer solus sedebat et misere lacrimabat.

A. sad

B. is sad

C. I am sad

D. sadly

18. ____ deorum et dearum est Iuno

A. Regina

B. Reginam

C. Reginis

D. Reginae

19. The Colosseum was dedicated in the year A.D. lxxx

A. 60

B. 130

C. 35

D. 80

20. Quis est Romanus deus belli?

A. Mars

B. Pluto

C. Mercurius

D. Iuppiter

21. The opera company is auditioning new singers for the chorus.

A. questioning

B. hearing

C. talking with

D. making a list of

22. Olympus is famous as the ________.

A. mountain home of the gods

B. river on which Rome is located

C. capital of Greece

D. entry into the Underworld

23. Mare nostrum was the name the Romans gave to the

A. land of Italy

B. Tiber River

C. Mediterranean Sea

D. Atlantic Ocean

24. The abbreviation I.E. stands for id est, which means

A. seize the opportunity

B. that is

C. note well

D. before noon

25. His malady was not treated for a long time.

A. bad health

B. older brother

C. long hair

D. large field

26. "What time is it?" Answer in Latin.

A. Est secunda hora

B. Librum non habeo

C. Salve

D. Sol lucet

27. The Greek goddess of wisdom, Athena, was known to the Romans as

A. Juno

B. Minerva

C. Proserpina

D. Venus

28. It is a herculean task for schools to meet the technological needs of today's students.

A. necessary

B. extremely difficult

C. very expensive

D. pointless

29. Hannibal was a great general who was born in the city of Carthgae in africa. What number on the map refers to africa?

A. 4

B. 5

C. 6

D. 7

30. Hannibal left hispania and marched over the Alps with his army to make war on Rome. What number is hispania on the map?

A. 4

B. 6

C. 1

D. 5