Beta Review Master 1.1a by

NLE > Intro > 2000

This is the Intro test for 2000. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.

Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.

A total of 30 questions

1. Poeta multas litteras hodie scribit.

A. today

B. tomorrow

C. yesterday

D. later

2. Pater fabulam filio narrat.

A. of his son

B. with his son

C. at his son

D. to his son

3. Magister vocat nomen Corneliae. Cornelia respondet, "____."

A. Vale

B. Adsum

C. Minime

D. Sol lucet

4. Graeci cum troianis in bello pugnabant.

A. from the Trojans

B. of the Trojans

C. with the Trojans

D. to the Trojans

5. Servi cenam in culina parabant.

A. were preparing

B. are preparing

C. do prepare

D. will prepare

6. Circum Italiam sunt ______ insulae.

A. multi

B. multos

C. multis

D. multae

7. Ambulatisne in Via Sacra ad Forum?

A. Are you walking?

B. When are you walking?

C. Why do you walk?

D. Who is walking?

8. What do you see in the picture on the right?

A. Servus cibum portat.

B. Servus picturam spectat.

C. Servus canem vocat.

D. Servus in agro laborat.

9. Toga viri est candida.

A. of the man

B. the man

C. by the man

D. to the man

10. Eratis boni pueri quod laborabatis cum diligentia.

A. You will be

B. To be

C. You were

D. You are

11. Quot arbores sunt in pictura?





12. Cur senator magnam villam non habet?

A. When

B. Why

C. Where

D. Who

13. Ego cras ludos in Colosseo ____.

A. spectabit

B. spectabunt

C. spectabitis

D. spectabo

14. Ambulabo in Via Appia aut ambulabo in Foro Romano.

A. or

B. and

C. when

D. after

15. Per silvas ad casam familiae meae properamus.

A. around the woods

B. through the woods

C. of the woods

D. into the woods

16. In horto laborare cupit.

A. he is working

B. to work

C. you will work

D. they were working

17. Me rogate, discipuli, de deis Romanis!

A. I am asking

B. He is asking me

C. Ask me

D. They are asking me

18. Quid agis, Tullia? Tullia respondet, "_____."

A. Bene

B. Ubi

C. Nunc

D. Quot

19. The picture at the right represents the Latin warning.

A. Caveat emptor

B. Tempus fugit

C. Carpe diem

D. Cave canem

20. The Greek name for Juno, the queen of the gods, is

A. Artemis

B. Aphrodite

C. Hestia

D. Hera

21. Sex ursae et tres leones sunt _____.

A. octo animalia

B. tria animalia

C. decem animalia

D. novem animalia

22. He was chosen to be president by acclamation. acclamation comes from the Latin word meaning

A. to shout

B. to wish

C. to increase

D. to hope

23. When Marcus Favonius says, "valete, OMNES," he is saying

A. How are you all?

B. Listen, students!

C. Where are you going?

D. Goodbye, all!

24. The abbreviation A.M. stands for ante meridiem, which indicates

A. before noon

B. noon

C. after noon

D. night

25. A person with a pugnacious personality is one who likes to

A. talk

B. work

C. fight

D. laugh

26. Semper pluit in Britannia. Which number on the map referst to britannia?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 4

D. 7

27. Caesar conquered many tribes in gallia. What number on the map refers to gallia?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 6

D. 3

28. Which Roman god kidnapped Proserpina and took her to the Underworld?

A. Jupiter

B. Mars

C. Neptune

D. Pluto

29. Where would you go to see chariots racing?

A. Curia

B. Circus

C. Forum

D. Templum

30. In the picture you see

A. Apollo and Diana

B. Romulus and Remus

C. Eros and Hermes

D. Pluto and Bacchus