Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Mounce Present Middle-Passive Indicative λύομαι
Homeric Greek Lesson XVI Present Middle/Passive λυόμαι
Mounce Imperfect Active Indicative (contract) ἐποίουν
Homeric Greek Lesson XIII Third Declension πόλις
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Oxford Latin Course Book 1 Chapter 16
This is the Intro test for 1997. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 32 questions
1. Quis in horto laborat?
A. What
B. When
C. Who
D. Why
2. Greedy Midas wishes to have more gold.
A. habere
B. habeo
C. habe
D. habet
3. Puellae _____ in caelo spectabant.
A. stellas
B. stellarum
C. stellis
D. stellae
4. Ego eram in Foro Romano cum Marco.
A. We
B. They
C. I
D. You
5. Magistri linguam Latinam docebant.
A. will teach
B. are teaching
C. to teach
D. were teaching
6. You might say valete omnes! when you
A. want to thank someone
B. are leaving your friends
C. see you teacher in the morning
D. ask friends for help
7. Magnum praemium viro damus.
A. to the man
B. by the man
C. of the man
D. with the man
8. Cur librum portas?
A. is he carryiing
B. are we carrying
C. are they carrying
D. are you carrying
9. Do you know the names of the gods and goddesses?
A. deorum et dearum
B. deos et deas
C. dei et deae
D. deum et deam
10. Servus ex atrio ambulat.
A. out of the atrium
B. toward the atrium
C. through the atrium
D. into the atrium
11. Tres et quinque sunt
A. novem
B. sex
C. septem
D. octo
12. Atalanta happily runs many races.
A. laeto
B. laetus
C. laete
D. laetam
13. Lupa Romulum et Remum curabit.
A. will care for
B. to care for
C. is caring for
D. was caring for
14. Pueri ad ____ festinant.
A. ianua
B. ianuam
C. ianuis
D. ianuae
15. Pater fabulas bene narrat.
A. today
B. well
C. slowly
D. often
16. Mane, Icare, prope terram?
A. To stay
B. We stay
C. I stay
D. Stay
17. Ecce! Est statua _____ ante templum.
A. pulchros
B. pulchra
C. pulchram
D. pulcher
18. "Mox puella Arachne erit misera!" clamat Minerva.
A. is
B. will be
C. was
D. to be
19. Salve, _____! Quid agis?
A. amice
B. amicum
C. amico
D. amicis
20. Nos Corneliam amamus.
A. You
B. We
C. They
D. He
21. According to this sign, how far its it to Rome?
A. 300 miles
B. 13 miles
C. 30 miles
D. 3 miles
22. Hispania : Spain :: Gallia : _____
A. France
B. Germany
C. Greece
D. Egypt
23. The Tiber is a
A. mountain
B. river
C. city
D. sea
24. The Latin abbreviation that means and the rest is
A. A.M.
B. i.e.
C. etc.
D. N.B.
25. The Roman senate house, located in the Forum, was the
A. Circus Maximus
B. Via Appia
C. Colosseum
D. Curia
26. The god pictured on the right is
A. Bacchus
B. Pluto
C. Mercury
D. Vulcan
27. The word convocation comes from the Latin word meaning
A. see
B. love
C. call
D. have
28. Cave canem means
A. rare bird
B. beware of the dog
C. time flies
D. let the buyer beware
29. Quis est deus belli?
A. Mars
B. Neptune
C. Jupiter
D. Vulcan
30. The regina deorum pictured at right with her peacock is
A. Venus
B. Vesta
C. Minerva
D. Juno
31. the word insulated comes from the Latin noun meaning
A. a ship
B. an island
C. a cave
D. a temple
32. The abbreviation that represents the Roman state is
A. S.P.Q.R.
B. A.D.
C. P.S.
D. P.M.