Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Perfect Active Indicative 3rd -io Conjugation iēcī
Classical Latin
Verb Irregular possum present active I am able
Mounce Present Middle Participle λυόμενος
Classical Latin
Oxford Latin Course Book 1 Chapter 16
Homeric Greek Lesson IV First Declension θεά
Homeric Greek Lesson XIII Third Declension ἒπος
Classical Latin
This is the Intro test for 1996. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 30 questions
1. Filia corneliae est pulchra.
A. Cornelia
B. for Cornelia
C. by Cornelia
D. of Cornelia
2. Magistra discipulos _____.
A. docet
B. est
C. stat
D. navigat
3. In horto cum meis amicis ambulabam.
A. about my friends
B. toward my friends
C. with my friends
D. near my friends
4. Videsne amicum aut inimicum?
A. but
B. or
C. and
D. because
5. Qui sunt magistri in tua schola?
A. when
B. Where
C. Why
D. Who
6. Nautae post insulam navigant.
A. behind the island
B. around the island
C. toward the island
D. by the island
7. Cras vos videbo.
A. us
B. you
C. them
D. me
8. In response to the question "Quid nomen tibi est?" you would give your
A. age
B. address
C. birthplace
D. name
9. Ubi erat puer?
A. is
B. was
C. will be
D. to be
10. Mea casa _____ fenestras habet.
A. multae
B. multam
C. multis
D. multas
11. Servus ad silvas ambulare parat.
A. I walk
B. to walk
C. they walk
D. walk
12. Iulius fabulam puellis narrat.
A. with the girls
B. from the girls
C. to the girls
D. of the girls
13. Demonstra, marce, tuis amicis viam.
A. with Marcus
B. toward Marcus
C. for Marcus
D. Marcus
14. In agris magnum _____ videbam.
A. equus
B. equi
C. equo
D. equum
15. Tabellas et stilos portatis.
A. I carry
B. you carry
C. we carry
D. they carry
16. Quot pedes habet equus?
A. tres
B. quattuor
C. quinque
D. decem
17. In aqua frigida natabamus.
A. we swim
B. we will swim
C. we were swimming
D. to swim
18. The books are lying on the table.
A. Libri
B. Librorum
C. Libris
D. Libros
19. "responde Latine," dicit magister.
A. He will answer
B. To answer
C. He answers
D. Answer
20. Boni viri te laudabunt.
A. are praising
B. were praising
C. praise
D. will praise
21. The abbreviation E.G., which stands for exempli gratia, means that it will be followed by
A. some exceptions
B. advice
C. an example
D. an amount of money
22. A CENTENNIAL celebration is held
A. for everyone
B. in the evening
C. outdoors
D. every hundred years
23. Rhea Silvia and Mars were the parents of the founder of Rome. This founder of Rome was
A. Hercules
B. Romulus
C. Mercury
D. Vulcan
24. The geography of the city of Rome was noted for
A. a large lake
B. a volcanic mountain
C. seven hills
D. a fertile valley
25. The Latin expression that means time flies is
A. tempus fugit
B. nota bene
C. post meridiem
D. ex tempore
26. A MALEFACTOR is a person wh
A. completes a task quickly
B. calls attention to himself
C. builds something by hand
D. does something evil
27. What characterized the room in a Roman house called the triclinium?
A. it had a garden surrounded by columns
B. it had three couches on which Romans reclined to dine
C. it was an open area used for worshipping the household gods
D. it was an open area with a pool in which rainwater was collected
28. A person with leonine features resembles a
A. pig
B. dog
C. cow
D. lion
29. If the hour hand on a clock were on xii the time would be
A. ten o'clock
B. nine o'clock
C. seven o'clock
D. 12 o'clock
30. Which god is a master craftsman who makes weapons for the Olympians?
A. Mercury
B. Pluto
C. Neptune
D. Vulcan