Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Homeric Greek Lesson IV First Declension θεά
Classical Latin
Oxford Latin Course Book 2 Chapter 19
Homeric Greek Lesson XV Third Declension ἄναξ
Classical Latin
Mounce Imperfect Middle-Passive Indicative (contract) ἐποιούμην
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Classical Latin
Verb Present Passive Indicative 1st Conjugation parō
This is the Intro test for 1994. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 27 questions
1. Magna animalia amamus
A. You love
B. They love
C. She loves
D. We love
2. Amici ludos _____ spectabant.
A. Olympicum
B. Olympico
C. Olympicos
D. Olympicis
3. Claudius et Iulius ex silva ambulant.
A. out of
B. into
C. around
D. through
4. Multae villae erant pulchrae.
A. was
B. were
C. are
D. is
5. The astronauts watched the moon.
A. lunam
B. luna
C. lunarum
D. lunae
6. In templo deorum sunt multae statuae.
A. toward the gods
B. with the gods
C. of the gods
D. from the gods
7. Quinque et quattuor sunt _____.
A. octo
B. decem
C. septem
D. novem
8. "Videsne chartam?" rogat magistra. Discipula respondet, "_____."
A. Ad chartam ambulat.
B. De charta narrant.
C. Chartam video.
D. Chartas amant.
9. Viri ad insulam navigabant.
A. sail
B. were sailing
C. are sailing
D. will sail
10. Dea aquam mihi dabat.
A. to me
B. of me
C. from me
D. with me
11. Discipulus ab _____ ambulabat.
A. ludum
B. ludorum
C. ludi
D. ludo
12. Quid vides?
A. How
B. What
C. Who
D. Where
13. Tuus frater trans rivum natabit.
A. will swim
B. swims
C. was swimming
D. swam
14. The student commanded his classmates. "tangite dextram manum."
A. Touch your left ear.
B. Stand on your right foot
C. Pick up your pencil
D. Touch your right hand
15. Mea soror fabulam bene narrabat.
A. quick
B. well
C. clearly
D. badly
16. Spectate, puellae, libros!
A. by the girl
B. girls
C. to the girl
D. with the girls
17. Picturae in villa Romana erant _____.
A. pulchrarum
B. pulchram
C. pulchrae
D. pulchris
18. Disciipulus tabellam portabat sed stylum non habebat.
A. but
B. and
C. or
D. because
19. Templa deorum sunt in Foro.
A. of the temples
B. to the temples
C. in the temples
D. the temples
20. Every morning the students greet their Latin teacher by saying
A. "Vale!"
B. "Salve!"
C. "Sede!"
D. "Ambula!"
21. Horticulture is the cultivation of
A. plants
B. fish
C. animals
D. insects
22. There are one hundred senators in the United States Senate. The Roman numeral for 100 is
A. D
B. L
C. X
D. C
23. Frater Neptuni et pater Minervae est
A. Pluto
B. Iuppiter
C. Apollo
D. Mars
24. Oculist and BINOCULAR come from the Latin word which means
A. eye
B. ear
C. forehead
D. neck
25. Romans would go to the _____ to buy and sell goods and to listen to political speeches.
A. Templum
B. Colosseum
C. Tiber
D. Forum
26. Pluto stole Proserpina and took her to his kingdom
A. on Mount Olympus
B. in the Mediterranean Sea
C. in the underworld
D. in the sky
27. If you were asked, "Quota hora est?" your answer might be
A. I am going to school
B. It is sunny and bright
C. I am happy
D. It is two o'clock