Beta Review Master 1.1a by
Classical Latin
Verb Imperfect Active Indicative 3rd Conjugation mittēbam
Classical Latin
Verb Perfect Active Indicative 2nd Conjugation monuī
Classical Latin
Verb Perfect Active Indicative 1st Conjugation parāvī
Homeric Greek Lesson IX Imperfect Active Indicative
Homeric Greek Lesson XVII Aorist Middle/Passive ἐλυσάμην
Classical Latin
Mounce First Aorist Middle Indicative ἐλυσάμην
Mounce Demonstrative Pronoun ἐκεῖνος
This is the Intro test for 1989. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.
Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.
A total of 32 questions
1. _____ agricola in agro.
A. Est
B. Sumus
C. Sunt
D. Estis
2. Meus amicus _____ in via videt.
A. pecunia
B. pecuniam
C. pecuniae
D. pecuniis
3. Tua soror _____ cenam cras parabit.
A. bonae
B. bonam
C. bonarum
D. bonas
4. Marcus et Sextus et Felix in campo bene laborant.
A. did work
B. were working
C. will work
D. are working
5. America est _____.
A. magnae patriae
B. magnam patriam
C. magna patria
D. magnis patriis
6. Discipuli et discipulae in silva saepe _____.
A. ambulat
B. ambulo
C. ambulant
D. ambulas
7. "Cur cantas, Cornelia?" Cornelia respondet, "____ quod sum laeta."
A. Canto
B. Cantat
C. Cantant
D. Cantas
8. Clarus poeta magnum numerum librorum in villa habet.
A. with books
B. books
C. for books
D. of books
9. Piratae cum captivis trans _____ navigabant.
A. aqua
B. aquae
C. aquam
D. aquarum
10. Deus ____ et solis et medicinae est Apollo.
A. musica
B. musicam
C. musicae
D. musicis
11. Cur sub arbore sedebatis?
A. are you sitting
B. will you sit
C. had you sat
D. were you sitting
12. Magister discipulis dicit. "____ me, discipulii, cum diligentia!"
A. Spectate
B. Specto
C. Specta
D. Spectare
13. The great Roman orator Cicero spoke clearly in the senate.
A. claro
B. clare
C. clari
D. clarus
14. Servi cibum equis semper dant.
A. around the horses
B. of the horses
C. to the horses
D. with the horses
15. Quis ad scholam cum Publias ambulat?
A. Who
B. Why
C. Where
D. When
16. Pater et mater te in atrio exspectant.
A. you
B. me
C. us
D. him
17. Which of the following would be the correct response to the question, "Quaenam est tempestas hodie?"
A. Gratias tibi ago
B. Pluit
C. Salve magistra
D. Puella abest
18. Dea lunae et soror Apollinis est:
A. Diana
B. Juno
C. Venus
D. Ceres
19. During the Monarchy, 753 to 510 B.C., the rulers were:
A. consuls
B. emperors
C. quaestors
D. kings
20. Ubi est Hispania? Hispania est in:
A. Europa
B. Graecia
C. Asia
D. Africa
21. The best translation of E PLURIBUS UNUM is:
A. and the rest
B. at one's pleasure
C. one for all
D. one out of many
22. The killing of the Nemean lion was performed by _____ as one of his twelve labors
A. Perseus
B. Theseus
C. Hercules
D. Aeneas
23. In Rome, chariot races took place at the:
A. Forum
B. Temple of Vesta
C. Curia
D. Circus Maximus
24. Octo et septem sunt:
25. Swift as the wind was the Greek god Hermes whom the Romans called:
A. Bacchus
B. Mars
C. Cupid
D. Mercury
26. In the Trojan War the Trojans fought against the:
A. Greeks
B. Gauls
C. Spaniards
D. Carthaginians
A. articles of clothing
B. rooms in a house
C. parts of a body
D. meals of the day
28. An English word meaning "a tract of land" which is derived from the Latin word for "land" is
A. lot
B. field
C. terrain
D. plateau
29. A Roman would normally eat dinner in the:
A. triclinium
B. atrium
C. cubiculum
D. peristylium
30. This elevated structure supporting a water conduit invented by the Romans is a/an:
A. bath
B. circus
C. temple
D. aqueduct
31. Roman farmers often invoked the gods when their crops were in need of water.
A. cursed
B. refused to worship
C. called upon
D. built temples to
32. The hero Theseus forgot to change black sails to white to signify his victory over the _____ on the island of Crete.
A. Hydra
B. Medusa
C. Minotaur
D. Chimaera