Beta Review Master 1.1a by

NLE > Prose > 2004

This is the Prose test for 2004. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.

Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.

A total of 28 questions

1. Dux Romanus urbem facillime cepit.

A. easily

B. very easily

C. rather easily

D. more easily

2. Viae in nostra urbe sunt similes ___ Romae.

A. viis

B. via

C. vias

D. via

3. Orpheus poeta in Orcum descendit ut uxorem quaereret.

A. where he searched for his wife

B. after he was searching for his wife

C. while searching fo his wife

D. to search for his wife

4. Clodia est altior sua sorore.

A. by her sister

B. of her sister

C. than her sister

D. with her sister

5. Ulixes fabulam de Troia audiens lacrimavit.

A. heard

B. about to hear

C. hearing

D. was hearing

6. Cives non intellexerunt cur portae templi clausae essent.

A. had been closed

B. were closing

C. will close

D. are closed

7. Urbs quam regina struebat moenia alta habebat.

A. who

B. with which

C. whom

D. which

8. Nautae dixerunt se in portu multos dies mansuros esse.

A. are remaining

B. would remain

C. had remained

D. have remained

9. Senator de nova lege diu locutus est.

A. spoke

B. will speak

C. is speaking

D. had spoken

10. Imperator rogat legatum sive ad insulam naviget sive in urbe maneat.

A. neither … nor

B. both … and

C. whether … or

D. not only … but also

11. His verbis auditis, discipuli periculum intellexerunt.

A. Who heard these words

B. These words shall be heard

C. After these words had been heard

D. You heard these words

12. Advenit ad eandem provinciam a qua nuper profectus erat.

A. that

B. each

C. any

D. the same

13. Ferte, filiae, multos flores ut atrium ornemus.

A. We are bringing

B. You will bring

C. To bring

D. Bring

14. Cicero artem dicendi bene intellexit.

A. by speaking skillfully

B. the art of speaking

C. to speak skillfully

D. without speaking of art

15. Dux erat tam potens ut a multis metueretur.

A. to fear many people

B. many people will fear him

C. that he fears many people

D. that he was feared by many people

16. Omnes pueri praeter Quintum in flumine frigidissimo nataverunt.

A. except

B. with

C. behind

D. in addition to

17. Marcus Aurelius hostes finibus romanis prohibuit.

A. to the Roman territory

B. from the Roman territory

C. the Roman territory

D. in the Roman territory

18. Cum tempestas esset magna, nautae tamen ad portum Carthaginis profecti sunt.

A. With

B. While

C. Although

D. When

19. As he made his way from Spain to northern Italy, Hannibal had to cross the

A. Pyrennes Mountains

B. Hellespont

C. Adriatic Sea

D. Aegean Sea

20. The Punic Wars, which were waged for control of the western Mediterranean, were fought between

A. Sicily and Athens

B. Spain and Gaul

C. Rome and Carthage

D. Crete and Sardinia

21. The traveler asked the priestess to elucidate the meaning of the signs.

A. clarify

B. testify to

C. sanctify

D. deny

22. Which Roman office was created to defend the rights of the common people?

A. quaestor

B. aedile

C. tribune

D. dictator

23. Ovid wrote about the nymph who wasted away with grief and the youth who loved only himself. Who were they?

A. Daphne and Apollo

B. Orpheus and Eurydice

C. Jason and Medea

D. Echo and Narcissus

24. Who is the author of ad familiares, sixteen books of letters which give a clear picture of Roman life?

A. Tacitus

B. Cicero

C. Livy

D. Caesar

25. It is easy to see the similarity of the Romance languages by looking at the words pane (Italian), PAIN (French), pao (Portuguese), all of which derive from the Latin word PANIS meaning

A. rain

B. bread

C. money

D. cloth

26. Which figure of speech appears in this quotation from Cicero: fragile corpus animus SEMPITURNUS?

A. alliteration

B. anaphora

C. chiasmus

D. praeteritio

27. What office of the cursus honorum judged civil and criminal cases?

A. tribune

B. augur

C. praetor

D. pontifex maximus

28. What Latin phrase can be used to indicate an assertion made on authority, but not proved?

A. ipse dixit

B. et alia

C. lapsus linguae

D. quid pro quo