Beta Review Master 1.1a by

NLE > Prose > 1987

This is the Prose test for 1987. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.

Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.

A total of 34 questions

1. May you be happy today!

A. eratis

B. fuistis

C. sitis

D. fueritis

2. Senatus sentit consulem rem publicam ___.

A. servaret

B. servavisse

C. servet

D. servatum esse

3. Cum per silvam ___, lupum vidit.

A. ambulat

B. ambularet

C. ambulare

D. ambulaverit

4. Hercules tam fortis erat ut umeris bovem ferre ___.

A. possit

B. poterat

C. posset

D. poterit

5. Gemini ___ in caelo videmus sunt Castor et Pollux.

A. quos

B. quem

C. cui

D. quibus

6. Noli properare Iulia. Satis ___ tibi est.

A. tempus

B. tempori

C. temporis

D. tempore

7. Coniuratos ad Curiam ___ spectavit.

A. currentem

B. currentes

C. currentium

D. currenti

8. They must see Rome.

A. Roma eis videnda est.

B. Romam videre possunt

C. Romam visuri sunt

D. Roma ab eis visa est

9. Which of the following is not an imperative?

A. este

B. duc

C. gradi

D. proficiscere

10. Si tempestas non orta esset, nautae ad insulam quattuor diebus ___.

A. perveniant

B. pervenissent

C. pervenire

D. perventuros esse

11. Rogabo cur naves longae in litore ___.

A. erant

B. fuisse

C. essent

D. fuerint

12. Hodie verba ___ non defuerunt. (The speaker did not lack words.)

A. oratores

B. oratorem

C. oratori

D. orator

13. Haud dubium erat ___ naves mox venirent.

A. ne

B. ut

C. quin

D. quominus

14. Equites flumen wider transierant.

A. latius

B. latum

C. latissimum

D. latiorem

15. Bonus vir ___ semper meminit.

A. parens

B. parentium

C. parentibus

D. parente

16. The same virtutes patri filioque sunt.

A. Quaedam

B. Eaedem

C. Istae

D. Aliquae

17. Venus ceteras deas ___ superavit.

A. pulchritudinem

B. pulchritudine

C. pulchritudinum

D. pulchritudo

18. Hannibal cum elephantis Alpes transire ___ ausus est.

A. conari

B. conatus esse

C. conatur

D. conetur

19. Seneca's quotation, "homines, DUM DOCENT, DISCUNT."

A. Men teach those willing to learn

B. Men avoid those who teach

C. Learned men teach

D. Men learn as they teach

20. What Roman historian of the first century A.D. wrote the annales?

A. Lucretius

B. Julius Caesar

C. Martial

D. Tacitus

21. In Roman times, it was the ___ who traditionally made an early morning call at his patron's house.

A. aedile

B. client

C. augur

D. senator

22. He was too diffident to do justice to himself.

A. lacking an ability

B. lacking in self-confidence

C. tired

D. angry

23. Clio, Calliope, and Terpsichore were:

A. Graces

B. Muses

C. Fates

D. Sirens

24. Who rescue Ariadne when Theseus abandoned her at Naxos?

A. Perseus

B. Dionysus

C. Hercules

D. Jason

25. The city in Sicily famous in Cicero's time for its wealth and works of art was:

A. Syracuse

B. Brundisium

C. Alexandria

D. Corinth

26. The Roman emperors from Augustus through Nero are known as the:

A. Julio-Claudians

B. Flavians

C. Antonines

D. Severans

27. Quis erat Ciceroni amicus?

A. Clodius

B. Marc Antony

C. Pompey

D. Verres

28. Tacitus asked for and received two of Pliny's most famous letters. What was the subject?

A. Dedication of the Colosseum

B. Defeat of Vercingetorix

C. Eruption of Mt. Vesuvius

D. Death of Cicero

29. Stilus, ATRAMENTUM, VOLUMEN, and CODEX are all related to:

A. production of books

B. baking of bread

C. building of a temple

D. training of gladiators

30. The Latin idiom meaning A DEBT is:

A. aes alienum

B. qua de causa

C. ius iurandum

D. res novae

31. The group of people most involved in business in ancient Rome were the?

A. augures

B. pontifices

C. paedagogi

D. equites

32. Si tecum patria loquatur, DILIGENTER AUDIAS. In this sentence there is an example of

A. personification

B. zeugma

C. hendiadys

D. litotes

33. What Roman poet is famous for his biting satire?

A. Pliny

B. Juvenal

C. Ovid

D. Vergil

34. When the congressman said "mea culpa" at his press conference, he meant:

A. "I resign"

B. "I made a mistake"

C. "Vote for me"

D. "Victory is mine"