Beta Review Master 1.1a by

NLE > Poetry > 2007

This is the Poetry test for 2007. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.

Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.

A total of 27 questions

1. Marcus Tullius pessimus omnium patronus erat.

A. worst

B. greatest

C. slowest

D. best

2. Si quid cognoscit, dicit.

A. If each one

B. If anything

C. If ever

D. If someone

3. Piscator multos pisces referet.

A. is bringing back

B. has brought back

C. will bring back

D. was bringing back

4. Catullus iter multorum dierum ad Bithyniam fecit.

A. of many days

B. with many days

C. by many days

D. for many days

5. Sunt mihi tres equi.

A. I want

B. I have

C. I need

D. I use

6. Cleopatra paucos annos apud Romanos habitabat.

A. against

B. above

C. among

D. beyond

7. Aeneas in Italia ____ factus est

A. rex

B. regis

C. regem

D. rege

8. Non nulli discipuli versus Lucreti legebant.

A. None

B. Each

C. All

D. Some

9. Graeci Troianos pergami obsidebant.

A. from Pergamum

B. at Pergamum

C. to Pergamum

D. about Pergamum

10. Omnes naves litus Italiae tetigere.

A. touched

B. to touch

C. about to touch

D. to have touched

11. Ovidius scivit multa genera puellarum esse.

A. there had been

B. there will be

C. there would have been

D. there were

12. Puella Catulli vel Lesbia vel Clodia appellatur.

A. both … and

B. some … others

C. either … or

D. not only … but also

13. Numquam poetam maiorem horatio legi.

A. by Horace

B. with Horace

C. than Horace

D. because of Horace

14. Utinam Icarus patri paruisset!

A. was obeying

B. should obey

C. will obey

D. had obeyed

15. Nympha invita, Apollo maestus discessit.

A. by the unwilling nymph

B. because the nymph was unwilling

C. unwilling because of the nymph

D. to the unwilling nymph

16. Ne illos milites in campo TIMEAMUS.

A. We do not fear

B. We fear no one

C. Let's not fear

D. If only we had not feared

17. Theseus ad necandum minotaurum Athenis excesserat.

A. to kill the Minotaur

B. at the death of the Minotaur

C. towards the slain Minotaur

D. to be killed by the Minotaur

18. Thisbe sola, in silvam profecta, leonem conspexit.

A. having set out

B. about to set out

C. setting out

D. to set out

19. The English words expense, PENSIVE, and PONDEROUS all derive from the Latin word family meaning

A. to cost

B. to weigh

C. to lose

D. to dream

20. What Trojan shepherd presided over a divine beauty contest, presented the golden apple, and received the beatiful Helen as his reward?

A. Aeneas

B. Hector

C. Menelaus

D. Paris

21. Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides were famous Greek writers of

A. epic poems

B. comedies

C. histories

D. tragedies

22. The story of King Minos, the Labyrinth, and the Minotaur is set on the island of

A. Crete

B. Sicily

C. Rhodes

D. Cyprus

23. When we first arrived at school, we were surprised by the headmaster's gravitas. The Roman virtue of gravitas describes

A. experience and compassion

B. education and training

C. seriousness and substance

D. sense of humor and brevity

24. Which Julio-Claudian emperor invaded Britain, was known for his physical infirmities, and was poisoned by his wife to allow her son Nero to gain the throne?

A. Claudius

B. Caligula

C. Tiberius

D. Trajan

25. What Latin phrase best describes someone who is in the final moments of life?

A. ad hominem

B. sub rosa

C. in extremis

D. pro rata

26. What aged couple offered hospitality to the gods, were saved from a great flood, and became intertwining trees when they died?

A. Pyramus and Thisbe

B. Theseus and Ariadne

C. Orpheus and Eurydice

D. Baucis and Philemon

27. What Latin term is used by an editor to allow a marked-out item to remain in the text?

A. caveat

B. stet

C. erratum

D. videlicet