Beta Review Master 1.1a by

NLE > Latin 1 > 2010

This is the Latin 1 test for 2010. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.

Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.

A total of 30 questions

1. Canes equos in campo semper spectabant.

A. will watch

B. did watch

C. are watching

D. were watching

2. Cornelius clamavit, "curre ad casam celeriter!"

A. Run

B. I will run

C. You are running

D. To run

3. Cives Romani consulem ad oppidum matris miserunt.

A. to his mother

B. of his mother

C. for his mother

D. with his mother

4. Liberi in ____ cum familia habitabant.

A. urbs

B. urbis

C. urbem

D. urbe

5. Olim vinum in culina servavimus.

A. we keep

B. we kept

C. we were keeping

D. we will keep

6. Ego in magna villa habito; ubi tu habitas?

A. we

B. they

C. you

D. I

7. In magno mari ____ navigant.

A. piratae

B. piratas

C. piratis

D. piratarum

8. Heri puellae musicam pulchram ___

A. audite

B. audit

C. audiebant

D. audire

9. Ianuae villarum non sunt____.

A. latarum

B. latas

C. latis

D. latae

10. Ponite, ___, vestras togas in cubiculo.

A. puer

B. pueri

C. pueros

D. pueris

11. Agricola per silvam ambulat.

A. around the forest

B. behind the forest

C. near the forest

D. through the forest

12. Neque miles Neque legatus in castris manebat.

A. Either … or

B. Both … and

C. Neither … nor

D. Not only … but also

13. Prima luce milites ad provinciam iter faciebant.

A. at dusk

B. At noon

C. At dawn

D. At midnight

14. Cur pueri, in magno theatro ___ non timetis?

A. canto

B. cantare

C. cantabam

D. cantat

15. Poetae romanis fabulas de viris claris narrabant.

A. to the Romans

B. by the Romans

C. of the Romans

D. with the Romans

16. Your teacher says, "Veni ad tabulam." What are you being asked to do?

A. Go to the board

B. Study your vocabulary

C. Put your books on the floor

D. Go to your seat

17. Gladiatores in amphitheatro pugnabunt.

A. used to fight

B. have fought

C. do fight

D. will fight

18. What is the appropriate answer to the question, "quis pecuniam in mensa vidit?"

A. Quod defessus erat

B. Filius meus

C. Arbor est magna

D. In agris

19. Puella epistulam stilo scripsit.

A. for a pen

B. of a pen

C. with a pen

D. near a pen

20. Which town is not located in Italy?

A. Pompeii

B. Carthage

C. Brundisium

D. Ostia

21. When Julia enters her home she admires the frescoes in the

A. atrium, triclinium, peristylium

B. prandium, ientaculum, cena

C. forum, basilica, curia

D. bellum, donum, baculum

22. Who, disguised an an old woman, visited Arachne and challenged her to a weaving contest?

A. Juno

B. Proserpina

C. Minerva

D. Diana

23. An appropriate motto for forestry service is

A. Dum spiro, spero

B. Festina lente

C. Ex libris

D. Conservate arbores

24. Container, RETENTION, and TENABLE are all derived from

A. tenere

B. timere

C. terrere

D. temptare

25. The stories of Midas, Daphne, and Phaethon involved the god

A. Neptune

B. Apollo

C. Vulcan

D. Mercury

26. Which Latin phrase would most likely appear on a sign in a health club?

A. E pluribus unum

B. Montani semper liberi

C. Mens sana in corpore sano

D. Ab ovo usque ad mala

27. Which date is traditionally recognized as Rome's birthday?

A. March 15,44 BC

B. April 21, 753 BC

C. January 1, 1 AD

D. August 24, 79 AD

28. Which mountains woud a traveler cross if he were going from Rome to Brundisium?

A. Alps

B. Caucasus

C. Atlas

D. Apennines

29. Which one of the following was a famous Roman patriot who "left his plow" to save Rome?

A. Horatius

B. Romulus

C. Cincinnatus

D. Tarpeia

30. Who fell in love with his own image while staring into a pool of water?

A. Echo

B. Psyche

C. Narcissus

D. Orpheus