Beta Review Master 1.1a by

NLE > Latin 1 > 1998

This is the Latin 1 test for 1998. Please get out a number two pencil and step back and punt.

Be advised that some questions may not appear; these questions need to be fixed. I have excluded them until they are corrected. Some of these include questions which have multiple answers as well as older questions for which I need to create a map.

A total of 32 questions

1. Via Appia _____ longa et clara.

A. eras

B. eratis

C. erat

D. eramus

2. Est periculosum _____ viam ambulare.

A. ab

B. trans

C. ex

D. cum

3. Vos multos libros legistis.

A. They

B. You

C. We

D. Them

4. Nautae clamaverunt, "Nunc _____ videmus!"

A. terram

B. terrae

C. terra

D. terris

5. Mater _____ multas fabulas narrabat.

A. filio

B. filius

C. filium

D. filios

6. Novem minus quinque sunt _____.

A. duo

B. septem

C. quattuor

D. sex

7. In insula Sicilia sunt multi montes et _____.

A. agris

B. agro

C. agrorum

D. agri

8. Advenietne hodie aut cras?

A. Did he arrive

B. Will he arrive

C. Has he arrived

D. Was he arriving

9. Bonum est cum amicis sedere.

A. he sits down

B. sit down!

C. I sit down

D. to sit down

10. Claudius intrat cubiculum quod defessus est.

A. therefore

B. now

C. because

D. but

11. Veni, _____, mecum ad Forum!

A. Lucius

B. Luci

C. Lucium

D. Lucio

12. Filius regis in silva ambulabat.

A. to the king

B. by the king

C. with the king

D. of the king

13. Filia mea ad urbem Alexandriam iter fecit.

A. travelled

B. travels

C. was travelling

D. will travel

14. Fabius et Fabullus erant _____.

A. amici mei

B. amicos meos

C. amicorum meorum

D. amicum meum

15. Dux omnes milites tuba convocavit.

A. of a trumpet

B. for a trumpet

C. to a trumpet

D. with a trumpet

16. Matres _____ clamant et lacrimant.

A. territae

B. territi

C. territas

D. territa

17. Magister dixit, "_____ stilos, discipuli!"

A. Deponis

B. Deponit

C. Deponere

D. Deponite

18. The child sobbed miserably after he lost his toy truck.

A. misere

B. miseris

C. miseros

D. miseri

19. Epistulas ad amicos nostros saepe mittebamus.

A. we will send

B. we send

C. we used to send

D. we have sent

20. Quot sorores habes? Tres habeo!

A. Where

B. Who

C. With whom

D. How many

21. Quid agunt Romani in triclinio?

A. currunt et pugnant

B. tacent et dormiunt

C. scribunt et legunt

D. cenant et bibunt

22. In Arabic numbers, mmv would be:

A. 205

B. 2005

C. 1505

D. 2505

23. In its earliest days, Rome was ruled by_____.

A. generals

B. consuls

C. emperors

D. kings

24. Often pictured wearing a war helmet, _____ is known to the Greeks as the goddess of arts and crafts.

A. Athena

B. Hera

C. Aphrodite

D. Demeter

25. The Roman equivalent of our proverb: "Haste makes waste" is:

A. Ad infinitum

B. Caveat emptor!

C. Festina lente!

D. Nota Bene

26. According to its name, the Pacific Ocean should be:

A. immense

B. dark blue

C. peaceful

D. very deep

27. What Roman province was located between Hispania and Germania?

A. Britannia

B. Graecia

C. Africa

D. Gallia

28. The French word soeur, the Italian word SORELLA, and the English word SORORITY come from the Latin word for:

A. kind

B. fate

C. community

D. sister

29. Pluto took Proserpina, the daughter of _____, to the Underworld to be his queen.

A. Juno

B. Ceres

C. Minerva

D. Vesta

30. A bystander was trying to ignite a conflict between the two candidates. The use of the word ignite here reflects its Latin root meaning:

A. fire

B. sword

C. battle

D. hatred

31. According to the Roman custom of naming children, which of these men was the father of a daughter named Cornelia?

A. C. Iulius Caesar

B. P. Cornelius Scipio

C. M. Tullius Cicero

D. C. Caecilius Iucundus

32. When you attend sports events in a huge, circular, multi-story building with entrances all around, you might think back to the Roman:

A. curia

B. Colosseum

C. Forum

D. basilica